
Thrive Edinburgh

summary of project

In partnership with Thrive Edinburgh, this is a longer term project that uses creative filmmaking combined with user led research and community leadership to explore possible barriers people might experience to accessing mental health and wellbeing services in Edinburgh. The project invites two main focus groups to take part:

  • young parents

  • people from a global majority background and people with experience of migration.

our approach

Working with the two focus groups, we formed an advisory group to respond to and understand the barriers people in the focus communities have to accessing services and achieving wellbeing in the city. 

Everyone in the group has the opportunity to follow their own research enquiry, creating documentary films and conducting fieldwork, interviews and focus groups. We currently have 21 people from 12 different countries involved in this project. Involvement is paid at real living wage and people have the opportunity to achieve our Access to Media and Community Leadership Qualification.

So far the project has resulted in 15 films and 6 research reports.

More information about each film is available in our online brochure.


Plan International 'Let me Speak'