NHS Prison Services

NHS and Scottish Prison Services (SPS)

summary of project

The project brought together people living in prisons, NHS health professionals and SPS staff to take part in a series of focus groups and creative sessions to create short films aimed for both staff training and viewers living in prison. The series included:

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the Scottish Prison Service 2021-2024

Mental Health Resources and Suicide Prevention Films, 2021-2023 

Keeping Safe in Prison, 2023-2024 - Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses: What Matters to People Living in Prison

Words Matter 2024 - Challenging stigma around addiction and substance use in prisons

our approach

Working with people living in prisons, NHS health professionals and SPS staff, we ran focus groups to understand the experiences of people living and working in prison in relation to key themes surrounding topics such as mental health and suicide protection, sexual health and blood borne viruses as well as challenging stigma around addiction and substance use in prisons. We worked together to create scripts and interviews that prioritised and communicated their experiences. Working with people living in prison, we created film resources for use within the prison setting. As with all our work, this process involved a strict process of safeguarding and informed consent. 

For Keeping Safe in Prison we also worked in partnership with Sandyford Sexual Health services and with Waverly Care in a consultative role. 

Films for internal use, research reports are available on request.


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