people are experts

on their own lives

and circumstances

We make films and podcasts with people who want to share their lived experiences.

We facilitate supported Peer Research for people with lived experience to take a leading, paid role in research enquiries.

We collaborate with organisations to share the stories we create, influence policy and decision making and create social change.

What we do

Our vision

We believe that sharing lived experience is the cornerstone for building bridges between people from all walks of life and organising an equal and equitable society. Our films and podcasts go on a journey alongside the people who make them.

Some have sensitive content and are shown to a private audience – like a Parliamentary committee gathering evidence from voices of lived experience, or a team of social workers who need to walk in the shoes of people they work with.

Other films and podcasts we make have public audiences and are designed to raise awareness and increase activism. To see the bigger picture of some of these journeys, please visit our Projects page.


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